Frequently Asked Questions 

Note: For connection related issues, please refer Connection Experience


What are the databases supported?

Please check Supported Databases page for the details. We are looking at supporting more databases in the future. Let us know if you want support for any new database.

How do I select specific fields from a table and query on specific condition and order?

You can use the query builder option to select the fields from a table, apply filters and set sort order before executing the query. 

Can I update records from table using Database Browser?

Yes, you can update records using "Edit/Update" feature in Database Browser  add-on. Note that this is a paid feature.

Can I delete records from table using Database Browser?

To avoid accidental mistakes or misuses, Database Browser does not allow any deletion of data from database/ tables.

Is there a test database to check Database Browser?

Yes, you can use the test database details to play with Database Browser add-on. Please note that this is a sandbox test database environment and can restart without notice.

Can I run complex queries joining multiple tables?

Yes, you can write direct custom SQL and execute it in Database Browser. Note that this is a paid feature and it is available to selected set of databases. For example it is not applicable for NoSQL databases.

Do I need to keep the Google Sheet open to have my queries execute in the background?

No. The background process runs automatically even if you have not opened the Google Sheet.


I have setup everything but why Automatic Schedule is not getting executed?

Please check the following

I am not able to connect with my database. Why?

To connect to a database, 

Please follow the steps at Connection Experience 

Quota and License

How many rows or records can I generate with Paid license? 

The free plan has a max results limited to 10 records only.

The paid plan provides enhanced results.

On standard databases:

There is no limit on the max results for paid user. However, you need to consider the GSuite limitations on the number of cells, execution time, Spreadsheet usage limits etc when planning the max results. 

Approximately, 25000 records in a single query on a medium size table would be a safe maximum level.

On premium databases: 

Paid plan users can query up to 25000 records in a single query.

How many spreadsheet can I use for 1 paid license?

There is no restriction on the number of spreadsheets. 

The license is attached to a GSuite/Gmail user (identified by email) so as long as Database Browser is used from a licensed email, there is no restriction on the spreadsheets

Your quota is based on the plan you have purchased. Please see Pricing for plans and relevant quota

What is a Usage/ Transaction and how is it measured?

Transaction is successful execution of a query or insert or update on a database. 

Manual as well as Scheduled executions are also counted as transactions.

Where can I see my current usage?

You can check your current usage and remaining quota under Account section in Database Browser

☰ Menu > Account ==> You will see the account screen

Why am I getting Quota Exceeded alert or email notification?

If your usage has exceeded your quota, you will get an alert in the Database Browser GUI and email notification in case of scheduled email. 

Learn more on about the plans and quota at Pricing

When you see quota exceeded, you can take one of the actions

I see the quota is for a month. When does my quota reset?

The quota resets 1st of every month irrespective of the subscription/ renewal cycle of individual user