
Security is an important concern in today's world. We at Jivrus Technologies take security as a serious business. Our products require permission for only what the product is intended to do. We make it explicit why the product requires those permissions and what the product does with it. All of our products go through security approval and strictly adheres to Privacy Policy

Please read below for the details.

Database Browser Permissions


Why Database Browser needs this?

Database Browser needs this permission to view and manage the data in your Google SQL Service instances 

Database Browser needs this permission to View your tables, datasets, and jobs in Google BigQuery 

Database Browser requires this permission to present results into Google Sheets.

* Database Browser will not delete any of your Google Sheets

Database Browser requires this permission to configure your Google Cloud Datastore instances, schemas, indexes.

Database Browser requires this permission to authentic user and get the user plan and subscription details. 

Database Browser requires this permission to send notification through email on successful execution, or if any errors, or if quota exceeds, or if the plan expires. 

Database Browser requires this permission to run the application in background so that the services will get executed on the scheduled time. 

Database Browser requires this permission to bring HTML GUI on the sidebar of your browser. 

Why you can trust our products ?

*If you have any query please contact-us 

More on Data Privacy, HIPAA, BAA

Account Information: Database Browser collects user account information (Name, Photo, Email address, Plan, etc) and usage metrics information. 

Data Storage: Database Browser operates on all transactional data inside the user's Google Drive. No one from Jivrus Technologies or outside can have access to transactional data unless the user explicitly shares it.

Credentials: Database Browser will save all your database-related credentials in your destination spreadsheet only in an encrypted form. No one from Jivrus Technologies or outside can access the Google Sheet unless the user explicitly shares it.

Usage analytics: Database Browser usually collects the usage analytics of users to find the number of  transactions and the type of database they are using.

Configuration: Configuration for Querying is saved inside the user's Google Sheet itself and hence the same security restrictions for Google Drive apply.

HIPAA and BAA: Database Browser complies with Google workspace and Google Drive permission model for all transactional data. There is no transactional data accessible to Jivrus Technologies. And hence Database Browser assumes HIPAA compliances from underlying Google workspace and Google Sheets. 

Read the full Privacy Policy here