
How to Setup?

Manage Connection

Move to "Connection" tab and select "Create New Connection" to create a Database Connection

Once you select "Create New Connection"  you have to enter the following details

 Name of the connection in order to differentiate different Database connections    

 Type of the Database that is being supported by Database browser.  

Refer Supported Databases for the detailed list of supported databases.

Note: Cloud Database generally blocks the outside connection so there is some chances of connection failure. In order to overcome that you should unblock certain IP's. For further guidance please refer this documentation    


Name of the server or IP address of the server where the Database is running      


Name of the Database

User name and password are provided by the Database Administrator for authentication                

Click on "Save" to save the Database Connection          

You can create multiple Database connection using Database Browser                                                                                      

You can check the Database connection by Clicking on "Test now" 

On successful connection is displays "Connection tested successfully"

On failure connection it displays error message

Multiple Connections can be created

You can click on the Trash button to delete a Database Connection

Manage Query

Move on to "QUERY" 

If there is no Query it will display a message as "There are no existing queries".

In order to create new queries follow the below steps

Click on "Create New Query " 

Please Fill out the following fields

Name of the query to be executed in order to differentiate different queries.

Displays the list of Database connections. Select the connection you want to execute the query .

Displays the list of tables in the Database. Select the table  you want to execute the query 

Displays the list of fields present in the table.  Select the fields  you want to display in the sheet.

In filter you can filter the  data  to be displayed based on conditions. you can use multiple filters by clicking the plus button 

Note: The SQL query is generated automatically once you select tables and fields . If you are expert in writing query on your own you can write your query in the SQL segment 

In this field you can choose where to display  data. You can either choose new sheet or you can go with the existing sheet

 If you check on the "run automatically" check box the query gets automatically run in the background

Note that you have to choose  "Run in Background" to run query in the background

Click on Execute Query to run the query

Click on Back to List to go Back to list

Multiple Queries can be created 

One can delete a query by clicking on the Trash button

One can execute the query by clicking on the Execute button 

Trash Button - One can click this button to delete the query

Execute Button - One can click on this button to execute the query

Editing Feature

Move on to "Edit" tab

Edit feature allows user to update records in the database table directly by updating records in Google sheet.

Edit feature requires pro version of the add-on. 

Click on "Pay Now" to purchase license for the add on 

Edit from sheet allows you to directly by update/insert your table row data by changing the sheet row values.

Note : For updating records primary key should be present in                  your sheet otherwise it will start inserting new records.